
Business Coach Says: Ignore The Phone

Ignore the phone. Does that sound radical to you? It’s not advice that you would expect coming from a business coach. Shouldn’t you be always available with the highest level of customer service?

Yes. However, your first obligation is always the person right in front of you. Customer service dictates that you should give your full focus to the person that is here right now.

Do I Really Need A Break? Here’s What You Can Do Instead:

There are rules and there are times to break the rules. I used to blog every week religiously.

You could always expect a new post in your inbox early Sunday morning. Then, for many months I was super chilled about my blog. I stopped posting consistently. My life got so busy and my blog just wasn’t my priority.

Business Coach Says: Kill The To Do List

Are you drowning in your to do list? Do the tasks that need to get done pile up endlessly?

You’re not alone. Look, if you’re killing it with To-Do-Lists, then you can stop reading right now. #YouDoYou. But if To-Do-Lists are killing you, then it’s time to kill the list!

The Quickest Way To Send An Email

What if you didn’t need to search for new scripts with every new email you sent?

What if you didn’t have to triple check each message you composed?

There is a better way.

As a recovering perfectionist, the method I am about to share with you has saved me hours of time. And that’s not an exaggeration.

No Worries

My laptop was dying and I was already planning the funeral. Some internal mechanism made it not be able to recharge, and my trusted computer technician was about to give up all hope.

With one last ditch effort, he ordered a $50 part from China. He warned me that it’s a risk, because it may not work and I could be wasting $50.

But thankfully, after just a short wait the new part was installed and my laptop was once again alive and well!

Getting Good at Email

When email became my primary tool of communication, I knew that I had better get good at it.

Since starting my online coaching business, I have been constantly experimenting with all sorts of tools to make the time I spend in my inbox more efficient.

After I finished playing around with the settings and filters in Gmail, I took things to the next level by installing Boomerang.

How I Gained A Few Hours Today

Every business has an inside story. Every business owner has unique experiences. 

It’s been a great privilege for me to interview top entrepreneurs and share their insights in my new series, Insider Insights.

Needless to say, this new endeavor takes a significant amount of time. From pitching and scheduling, preparing the questions, doing the interviews, to finally editing and posting online.

Should He Mow The Lawn?

Should the teacher get a job as a lawn mower?

You guessed it!
My answer to every question is - it depends.

During the school year he could instead be making more money working as a teacher.
During the summer time, he would not be teaching anyway. Therefore any money he makes mowing would be extra.

Every choice you make in life and business has an OPPORTUNITY COST.