
Stop Waiting For The Answer

Don’t get me wrong. I believe in asking questions. I wrote a whole blog post about that.

But I also know that merely asking the right questions is not enough to get you moving forward.. At a certain point, you have to trust yourself enough to choose one direction and try it out. 

This lesson really hit home for me last week when I had a business dilemma and I needed to find a solution.

Do I Really Need A Break? Here’s What You Can Do Instead:

There are rules and there are times to break the rules. I used to blog every week religiously.

You could always expect a new post in your inbox early Sunday morning. Then, for many months I was super chilled about my blog. I stopped posting consistently. My life got so busy and my blog just wasn’t my priority.


I knew just what I needed. I was going to find a job.
Not just any job, but the most boring job there was.
The work would be 100% stress-free.
I would give a few hours of my time, but leave all my energy and creativity for Golden Nuggets.

I finally found it. My dream job.