
Stop Waiting For The Answer

Don’t get me wrong. I believe in asking questions. I wrote a whole blog post about that.

But I also know that merely asking the right questions is not enough to get you moving forward.. At a certain point, you have to trust yourself enough to choose one direction and try it out. 

This lesson really hit home for me last week when I had a business dilemma and I needed to find a solution.

3 Tips For Saving Time

I actually don’t know how long it used to take me to write a blog post. It was divided into way too many steps. I would rely on inspiration to chance upon me before I would move forward. And when I did get started, I was a bit scattered and slow… afraid to put constraints on creativity.

Can you relate? Is there an activity in your business that you don’t have a grip on?

Where Do You Live?

Do you know what it’s like to do big and scary things - in your imagination? I’ve been there too....

When I heard my client say “I’ve been taking risks with the idea of selling programs…” I had to call her out.

Honestly speaking, ‘taking risks with ideas’ is plain imaginary work. Or “pretend work” like my teacher, Tiffany Han, would say. I think we all can admit that there reaches a point when we have done enough work in our head :)

Let's Be Friends

Me and Grammar?
Never. We were not friends in school.
When I graduated, I knew I would never think about grammar again.

Yet somehow, since I started my blog, I've googled more grammar questions than I did over my entire life.
Suddenly, I have the patience to learn the difference between EACH and EVERY.

And it's not just grammar.
I see myself having the strength and courage to do things that I always thought were just 'not my type'.