
Can you ever truly achieve work-life balance?

While I've been using my new-found time to learn how to bake bread, children everywhere have become obsessed with their bikes.

I've never seen so many kids riding around town. Schools, offices, and parks have been closed and their parking lots have been empty of cars. Children with bikes have completely taken them over.

3 Tips For Saving Time

I actually don’t know how long it used to take me to write a blog post. It was divided into way too many steps. I would rely on inspiration to chance upon me before I would move forward. And when I did get started, I was a bit scattered and slow… afraid to put constraints on creativity.

Can you relate? Is there an activity in your business that you don’t have a grip on?

Business Coach Says: Ignore The Phone

Ignore the phone. Does that sound radical to you? It’s not advice that you would expect coming from a business coach. Shouldn’t you be always available with the highest level of customer service?

Yes. However, your first obligation is always the person right in front of you. Customer service dictates that you should give your full focus to the person that is here right now.

Business Coach Says: Kill The To Do List

Are you drowning in your to do list? Do the tasks that need to get done pile up endlessly?

You’re not alone. Look, if you’re killing it with To-Do-Lists, then you can stop reading right now. #YouDoYou. But if To-Do-Lists are killing you, then it’s time to kill the list!

14 Steps To Get Your Clients To Respect Your Time.

It’s tough to run a business that revolves around client appointments. I know that some clients can be annoying, pushing the limits of our patience. None of my clients… they are all the sweetest. For real. But I have had my share of problematic prospective clients. The type that  schedules an appointment and doesn’t show up. Yes, we’ve all had those...

How I Gained A Few Hours Today

Every business has an inside story. Every business owner has unique experiences. 

It’s been a great privilege for me to interview top entrepreneurs and share their insights in my new series, Insider Insights.

Needless to say, this new endeavor takes a significant amount of time. From pitching and scheduling, preparing the questions, doing the interviews, to finally editing and posting online.

My 5 Best Tips For Using Google Calendar For Your Business

The leather hot pink planner I purchased at Barnes and Noble was going to be the start of a new beginning.

No more missing appointments or forgetting important commitments.
As anticipated, things were going well for the first couple of weeks.
My life was getting a bit more organized. I knew where I was supposed to be when.

Until that fateful day that my planner disappeared again. This time for good.