The magic of a bread machine! 🍞

The bread trend has finally hit me!

the magic of a bread machine

It feels like half the world has tried baking bread at some point during self-quarantine.

Okay, I'm not yet at sourdough-level expertise. 

But I still felt the urge to join the fun and bake delicious home-made bread.

Last week, I was brave enough to open up my mother's 20-year-old bread machine and I couldn’t be more amazed.

 Why haven't I heard more about this invention before? Why haven't I been using this every day of my life?

If you don't know about the bread machine secret, let me clue you in: Basically, it's a machine that lets you put in all the ingredients at once and close the cover. It does all the work for you! I mean, it does everything! It mixes, kneads, rises, and bakes the bread to heavenly perfection.


Please tell me why I used to think that baking bread required spending hours in the kitchen and making huge messes? Who would have dreamt that making bread can be so incredibly EASY??


Okay, you knew that I would find a business lesson… so here it is:

In business, I'm sure that there are some things that you have always found difficult or time-consuming. Today take a moment to ask yourself - why can't this be easy??

The truth is - if there just has to be a better way, there probably is one!

There might be a "bread machine" for your biggest problems! Don't give up.

Have you ever caught yourself saying, "I wish I can develop a custom program that can do XYZ for me…"?

Well, now is your time to go and search for it! Chances are that someone else had the same problem as you and has already come up with a solution.

Example #1 : Are you going crazy trying to schedule a group meeting and looking for a way to take a vote in order to choose a time that works for everyone? Ask - why can't this be easy?? Well, I'm glad you asked… because it can. Check out and come back to thank me :)

Example #2 : Do you have a hard time trying to email big files to clients or friends? It's annoying because it clogs up your google drive or dropbox and you never remember to delete it. Why can't this be easy?? Well, it actually can! Check out

I can go on and on… but I will stop now and encourage you to go find a “bread machine” for your specific problems! Because there is always a better way!