
How My Business Has Changed Me

You got into business for a reason. Maybe because you have always dreamed of using your talents to support your family. Maybe because you feel like you have a light that you just need to shine. You have a gift to share with the world.

But did you ever stop to think about the gifts your business has given you?

How To Suffocate Your Ideas

It’s really easy to suffocate your ideas. I have lots of first hand experience. I’ve also seen my friends and clients do it quite often. Really, it comes naturally to most people.

Chances are that you too are an expert at this.

Do you need a refresher? Keep reading to learn the best method to suffocate your ideas.

When You Get Older, You Will Understand

"One, two, skip a few, ninety nine, a hundred!"

Some days I wish that there would be a good way to do that in business, as well.

One post, two posts, skip a few, ninety nine, a hundred!
One client, two clients, skip a few, ninety nine, a hundred!
One sale, two sales, skip a few, ninety nine, a hundred!

Wouldn't that be nice!

You Inspire Me!

Today I spent some time in the bookstore, my favorite place. 
I was hanging out by the business books, totally engrossed. The aisle was empty, so I had my privacy. Just the way I like it.

Suddenly out the corner of my eye, I noticed a figure inching towards me...