
Insider Insights with David Konigsberg

As CEO of Optimal Targeting, David is known to be the go-to expert for all things marketing. He is a wealth of knowledge and doesn't hold anything back! 

I had the opportunity to meet with David and draw out some of his best insights.

It was fascinating for me to discover that almost everything we discussed fit into a neatly defined system. David shared a four stage process for building a marketing strategy.

Risk of Rejection

"Ma, I want to do this."
"I know. But it's in middle of the school year."
"Yes. And I really really really want to do this."
"Hmmm…Let me talk to your father about this…"

My 14 year old bother was determined to present his talent of Mentalism at the RCCS TALENT COMPETITION.
My parents had a hard time agreeing.