Sick Of Success?

Your success is making you sick.
But, you’re pretty sure you are on the right track.
You just feel like you want to run away and hide in a little corner.

Calm down. It’s normal.

Did you ever hear of fear of success?
Yes. It’s worse than fear of failure. Because most people don’t recognize it.
But now, you are not most people.
Continue reading and you will be well educated and prepared.


Gay Hendricks, author of The Big Leap, describes this phenomenon as The Upper Limit Problem.

He explains that we each set ourselves a limit of how much success and happiness we think we deserve. These false beliefs prevent us from experiencing the joy that is available to all of us.

When introducing a new high level energy into your life, your body feels threatened.
It therefore does everything it can to come back to balance - the only balance it knows.
This “balance” is typically set by childhood.
It happens when we unconsciously accept our childhood beliefs as truth, thereby creating an invisible barrier for ourselves. We self-sabotage whenever we begin exploring our potential.

Each of us reacts differently to our Upper Limit Problems.
Some of us get physically sick. Some get depressed. Others feel excessively anxious.
We may even start making up all sorts of excuses to avoid something that is too good for us.


In this case, awareness is the cure.

Give yourself permission to be successful.
Remind yourself that you are safe in the present moment.
Test your limits.

Let it be fun!


To learn more about the Upper Limit Problem and how to overcome it, check out this blog post by Gay Hendricks