It’s A Special Thursday

Today is Thursday. It’s as good of a day as any.


It’s a perfect day to celebrate.

If you’ve been following me for a while, you may know that celebrating is just about my favorite thing.


I don’t like big parties.

I don’t give out fancy awards.

I don’t indulge in a ton of ice cream.

Celebrating is more of an internal process for me. It’s all about giving validation and affirmation.

It’s about being grateful for what’s going right. It’s about looking out for the good that’s unfolding.

It’s about appreciating ourselves for every small choice that we make to lead ourselves in the direction of our dreams.


As a business coach, celebration is a big part of what I do every day. I like to start each session by asking my clients to share for a win - something that they're proud of.

I love celebrating my clients’ growth. I love pointing out to them how far they’ve come. And what I love most of all, is helping someone see their own light.


Because I believe that what you choose to celebrate expands.

You want more blessing? Appreciate the good you have.

You want to solidify a new habit? Celebrate each small action you take.

You know that little voice in your head talks to you all day? Give it something positive to say.

Bestow upon it a new title: Cheerleader.


You can practice celebrating your friend’s progress too! You don’t have to be a coach to appreciate another person’s greatness.

Hold a mirror to your friend’s light and watch it shine ever brighter.


So today is a special Thursday after all. Because you will make it so.

It’s a day to see yourself as you truly are. Celebrate all the small steps that you have taken. And know that you are enough.

Friend, what are you going to celebrate today?